As you budget keep this in mind because this rate will go up 2 percentage points and is taxed against your gross pay. So let's illustrate this increase.
Yearly Gross Pay Amount | $50,000 |
Current Social Security Rate | 4.2% |
Current Amount You Pay In Social Security Tax Per Year | $2,100 |
Social Security Rate Beginning March 1, 2012 | 6.2% |
Amount You Will Now Pay A Year in Social Security Tax | $3,100 |
Amount of Income You Will Lose Per Year With This Increase | $1,000 |
Monthly Amount You Will Lose | $83.33 |
This is real money that you will no longer be able to spend on yourself. Please incorporate this into your budget so you are relying on funds that aren't there. I don't know about you but I could certainly use and extra $83.33/month.
These funds are certainly needed by all so let's just cross our fingers and hope that the master minds in Washington will understand that we can no longer sacrifice our hard earned dollars for crazy spending bills. Remember, there is still hope that they could extend this tax break through the end of the year. If that is the case, then we can put this added worry on hold until 2013...more to come on this topic.
During the State of the Union address President Obama mentioned the fact that the government needs to pass the payroll tax/social security tax cut now and it extend for the rest of the year. Let's cross our fingers and hope that happens.
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